No, it doesn't do the breakdown reporting or extraction to a file or anything, but is just an improvement on the TLEN command and some of the other approaches. (alert (strcat "Total length of selected objects is " (rtos tl) ".")) But i am getting the total length in inches.Some one help me on this, i want the total length in meters. Tl (+ (cond (tl) (0)) (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam ent (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent))) I have a lisp here to calculate the total polyline length by selecting the layer.

) Civil3DReminderscom - add this to your list too. TLEN.LSP is your best bet ( Even Autodesk says so. Technically, the DATAEXTRACTION command (part of AutoCAD) can do it (See image below), but its a huge pain if all you want to do is get a quick total. "LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,*POLYLINE,SPLINE,ELLIPSE")))) Perhaps this was an add-on that you once had installed. But there's a way to disallow those right in the selection, and a single AutoLisp function that can get the length from all eligible object types in the same way, which greatly reduces the code required. Some allow selection of things that don't have length at all, and either just pass them by in processing, or report on their invalidity. They derive the length of different kinds of objects by different kinds of calculations, or in some cases using an AREA command on them so they can extract the length from the PERIMETER System Variable.

I notice that TLEN and some of the routines in the link in my first Reply go to more trouble than necessary.